” I wonder why no one has declared Kasich eliminated and called for him to drop out?”
This may not be true but someone posted that under Ohio law if Kasich drops out the his delegates will automatically fall to the 2nd place finisher in the Ohio primary - Donald Trump.
Unlike Ted Cruz Kasich also appears to be running for VP
Unlike Ted Cruz Kasich also appears to be running for VP
It’s looking likely that Kasich’s 66 Ohio delegates ALONE will be enough to put Trump over the top as the nominee.
I’ve been predicting a Trump/Kasich ticket for a while.
1) Trump is 66 or less short.
2) Kasich officially drops out before the 1st ballot.
3) Kasich’s 66 Ohio delegates are now bound to Trump on the 1st ballot.
4) Trump is now over the 1237 mark.
5) Kasich is announced as the VP.