For the love of -—, when are we going to end this idiotic “war on drugs” i.e. Prohibition II? It serves no purpose other than to line the pockets of corrupt politicians and cops. The only other beneficiaries as far as I can tell have been organized crime syndicates, the prison industry and the funeral industry.
It has not even slightly dented the rate of dug abuse/addiction in these United States. Drug abuse is a public health problem. Trying to turn a health crisis into a crime is not just stupid, it is immoral.
To requote Putin, they will chase you all the way to your bathrooms and kill you. I happened to eat a snack at a smoke spot for Walmart workers, and they were so conditioned that they are bad that they moved away so I would not get smoked in. Seriously, everywhere a smoker goes, even his designated spot, he is now accomodating and submissive to others. It is like they are made easy to harass by definition because “they are bad”.
They do now the same thing with the gay movement and bathrooms, making people guilty for being heterosexual