Cruz is right. This is how it is done in the primaries, and has been for years. People are now complaining because they think their candidate got the short end of the stick (If Trump had done his homework he might have been competitive in these states) Don’t like the process? work to change it. But don’t cry foul when your candidate gets beat because he either didn’t know the process or didn’t care. Thanks for standing in the gap and taking a lot of heat for Cruz supporters. I get tired of my position getting bashed in almost every thread. Trump is not who some think he is.
does it bother you that the rules are made by the elitist establishment so the establishment can pick their guy and deny the voters their right to vote?
I take it you have never bene against the establishment right?
Yea I guess you won’t reply as you don’t want to answer.
We have learned a lot about what this process is, and whether it is good or bad is a valid matter of discussion.
In practicality, Trump is attempting to be a facilitator, with a populist model in mind. One might complain that this sounds a little amoral, but on the other hand if the result is ugly, a mirror should be held up to the American people, not to Trump.
Cruz is right. This is how it is done in the primaries, and has been for years. People are now complaining because they think their candidate got the short end of the stick (If Trump had done his homework he might have been competitive in these states) Dont like the process? work to change it. But dont cry foul when your candidate gets beat because he either didnt know the process or didnt care. Thanks for standing in the gap and taking a lot of heat for Cruz supporters. I get tired of my position getting bashed in almost every thread. Trump is not who some think he is.
Have you noticed where this practice has brought us? I suspect in years past we didn't have people among the party insiders that were sold out amoral globalists but now we do.