But he’s not complaining when that process benefits him, so definitely not sincere. Now if Trump were to say he’s releasing his delegates that he got an “extra” for being the front runner (like when he gets 100% delegates even though 60% of the people didn’t vote for him in a state—He should release 60% of his delegates in that example). If he does that THEN he is being sincere.
why d you keep posting that crap?
I have just told you that here I FL the people voted on who they wanted , where as the establishment in some states have denied the voters their right to vote on who they want.
4 states for cruz where people actually voted for who they want and you ignore it all the time and keep posting that crap.
I’d be amused to see an offer of this kind made, which would reduce Cruz to an even smaller stature. Sure, throw Trump into his populist briar patch.