Sad to say, but republicans are at least as guilty as democrats in covering up for the Saudis.
Maybe even more so.
The incriminating part of the 9/11 report was classified under the Bush admnistration.
"Dubya" could have de-classified and released the information at any time he was in office.
And it was G. W. Bush who allowed influential Saudis in the USA to fly around collecting family members and then fly out of the USA after 9/11 at a time when every other non-governmental aircraft in the nation was grounded.
And one of the large extended families allowed to depart at that time was none other than the Osama bin Laden framily.
George W is just another Collectivist tool. A part of the political elite that rule over us all from both demonrat and pubican positions.
Why do you think W gave his “religion of peace” speech? About the only times during his Presidency when W. seemed articulate and impassioned were when he was either A. advocating amnesty for illegal immigrants or B. carrying water for the Saudis.
If 0vomit releases this information it might be the only worthwhile thing he ever did in his life.
I say release the information. The American public has the right to know. The world show know.