Lortta Lynch will be there soon to ensure they are released.
I’d like to lock each of them up for 20 years and then deport them. However, it would be cheaper to pay their home country to lock them up for 20 years. Give the home country more than it costs them and less than it would cost us. Both countries win, and the predators lose. I like that outcome!
I guess they are just raping the innocent, young girls that white people refuse to rape.
[All three men are from El Salvador and were in the country illegally]
Just doin’ the jobs that Americans refuse to do. /George Bush
See ya at the bill signing. /George Bush
Building walls is not who we are. /Barack Hussein Obama
Fear generated by those who want to build walls. /Mark Zuckerberg (paraphrased)
They come here out of love. /Jeb Bush
Build the wall! /Donald Trump
Add those I’ve missed.
Deport them? They’ll be back and bring a few hundred friends with them.
Kill them.
shouldn’t they get some jail before being sent home???
Monon.... what country is a Monon-ese from?
Wait, they are not from Monon....
why are these animals still alive? They are criminal invaders and they committed an act of war against us. One bullet through the brain for each of them. If they survive for a week, then deport them. If they don’t survive then chuck the bodies back over the border as a warning to others.
Now I know why Mexico has strict immigration laws. Mexico does not want Central American criminals and rapists in their country.
Before deporting them CHop off each one of their you know whats.
As Ann C. writes in her book, `Adios America,’ Mexico doesn’t even have statutory rape laws. They just shrug it off.
Our political, economic and social betters in the GOP-e and Dem Uniparty have instructed us to embrace diversity and the rich, vibrant cultures of 3rd and 4th world peasants and extremists flooding our country.
Heed your betters, American villagers.
and they got mad at Trump when he mentioned this type of criminal activity by illegal aliens...
This must be what George W. had in mind when he told us that “Family values don’t stop at the Rio Grande,” and what his brother Yeb! was thinking when he informed us that “[illegal immigration] is an act of love.”
Maybe they should have stuck to smuggling drugs or killing the members of other drug gangs.
They should be decapitated! Friggin scum!
And Obama will order them released onto American streets immediately.