LOLOL Here’s a quick read about the great “bluffer”
Trump did a lot of damage to himself and Cruz with this.
KAsich is now three points behind Trump in PA and Cruz is tied with trump in CA
Hillary will kill us unless we stop the personal attacks and unite .
And Trump being on top of the ticket is fine with me.
I’m listening to the interview right now and it is truly cringe-inducing. Trump can’t keep his story straight one minute to the next.
Wow! I just listened to the entire interview and determined you’re spewing a lot of absolute BS!
Trump held his own very well against this obnoxious @##%&, Charlie Sykes. I have no respect for him the way he conducted the interview. He mentioned well into the interview that he was a #nevertrump.
You’re misleading people if you’re pushing that interview to mean Trump is bluffing on trade. You’re clearly supporting the GOP establishment. That doesn’t work for me.
This Sykes guy presents as an attack dog for the GOPe.
Trump held his own but why bother. Sykes was only interested in the lowest attack and lied about the ad besides.
These guys are so disingenuous, “Cruz didn’t place the ad”. His name is in the ad, “or you can vote for Ted Cruz” , therefor he is assumed to be in agreement if he doesn’t disavow. Even after Trump called him out Cruz tried to weasel, saying its nothing to do with me. Horse pucky.
This Charlie Sykes is one sanctimonious dude !!
Oops, I posted this to the wrong thread:
Two comments from the site, of course there are plenty of stupid/inane comments as well.
It amazes me how this guy went after Trump, but he will never lay Cruz accountable for his lies and sleazy rhetoric. Who can believe a preachy guy with drama pauses here and there that sound so phony and rehearsed? Those polls are the latest scam the establishment and the bias media wants you to come they never talk about the MILLIONS Trump has brought to the forgot that one of just plain avoid talking any positive about Trump.
Charlie is a horrible interviewer he doesnt ask open ended questions every question comes from gossip with no facts backing his statements. Charlie should do a show for the enquirer. It is a shame that he would take an opportunity to interview the fron runner and not ask about policy he only wants to gossip and he he wants to get a feather on him hat. A ridiculous statement judging people, does he think he is God.