Honestly, it took a while for me to fully grasp the problems we face. I fully understand the folks who don’t get it.
You’ve got to admit, it’s not exactly something that a guy off the street fan buy into on day one.
It takes years to know how intricate the connections are, and how evil the plans are.
Some of us aren’t there yet.
I wasn’t fully savvy in Reagan’s day. I wouldn’t even say I fully got it in the 90s. In Bush’s day, it finally fully dawned on me just how evil these folks are.
When you fully understand globalism, the CFR type of organizations, the EU, and the desire for an NAU, you’re there.
This is why some of the Cruz folks can’t grasp the dynamics of the GOPe and how they can use Cruz fully, discarding him when they are done.
It’s diabolical. Our human nature doesn’t work that way. Theirs does.
Well Said !
i agree with you completely they are evil.
The people who are supporting Cruz don’t want to understand that the GOP Establishment is the enabler of eight years of Obama, and Ted Cruz played the GOPe’s Tea Party foil for two years until last March when he started running for President.
How they can vote for an insider like Cruz now, after the GOPe has ripped our guts out for the past seven years, I don’t understand.