Teddy Cruz keeps accusing Trump when it was Marco Rubio’s people who were behind it. Cruz’s obsession with Trump is not quite normal.
Additionally, the article says that the Cruz staff planned to use the Melania photo to get Trump to 'fire back' so that the controversy would override the info in the NE article, and they could use any response from him as a way to Blame Trump for the article.
Cruzs obsession with Trump is not quite normal.
IMHO, Cruz's obsession with Trump comes from the fact that Trump knows more about Ted and Heidi and skeletons in Cruz's closet than anyone else. I don't think Cruz thought Trump would still be standing and thought that his skeletons would stay hidden.
I listened to Cruz's 'response' video where he denied this stuff and blamed Trump, and I felt like he was lying, It was something about the tone of his voice.
Cruz wouldn't be the first politician in DC to use a prostitute. If he didn't, he might even be the ONLY politician in DC who hasn't used a prostitute.
Anyway, I guess we will see.
A Sex Scandal? Who Cares? [News was out there six months ago. Trump did nothing about it.]
American Spectator
F.H. Buckley