Fox News poll......well of course Trump loses!!
Typical Trumpkins post. Only polls showing Trump ahead are to be believed.
Fake fox news poll
Watch this video of Cruz on camera in his own words and then see if you could ever vote for this double talking fraud:
A Megyn Kelly poll. Enough said.
Why of course? With Hannity and O’Reilly pulling for Trump so hard, Fox has become the Trump News Network.
“Fox News poll......well of course Trump loses!!”
Only two polling outfits have ever shown Trump in the lead since he entered the race: FoxNews and USA Today/Suffolk. So were they wrong then too?
Look at RCP. Almost every poll out there has Clinton with a double digit lead over Trump. But Fox is out to get him.
Fox News is shilling hard for Trump on every single show. This poll is totally consistent with EVERY other poll which shows the same thing and has for months, Trump losing big to Hillary while Cruz beats her. In fairness, Trump seems to losing bigger and bigger to Hillary with every new poll.
You Nutter-Trumpers just can’t stop living out the lies your Dear Leader spews over the airwaves that he is beating Hillary in the polls. He isn’t and never was.