Settling in a small Chicago suburban village, my grandpa and grandpa and my great-uncle and aunt, German immigrants all, always voted for Eugene Debs, socialist party candidate for president in five elections from 1900 to 1920. After he died, they voted Dem...until I ran for office and they voted GOP for a while, lol.
I have a number of German-descent shirt-tail relatives in the Milwaukee area, all of whom are undoubtedly automatic Democrats. A late cousin of mine was a Dem city clerk of Milwaukee.
The German-descent burgomeisters and farmers vote donkey automatically. Add to them a big number of academia/college students, the usual ruling elite, etc., we'll find that capitalist Mr. Trump will not have an easy time in Wisconsin. Even our hero, Milwaukee's law-and-order Sheriff Clark, is a Democrat.
Ach du lieber!
All my Dem contacts say that the Dem Party is the party of the little people. They have no idea where that phrase started: it started with Andrew Jackson! .
Do you suppose anything might have happened since Stonewall? Like Karl Marx! Now Nancy Pelosi is worth over $50 mil and Dianne Feinstein is on her way to becoming a billionaire. Harry Reid... well, you get the idea: they go to Washington as beggars and die as Sultans: CARPET BAGGERS!
A few years ago they built a brand new airport west of D.C. only for private jets... within days all plane-space reservations were sold out. The gentry fly in to receive their largess from the $3 tril fed budget - and kick back a bit to the hand that giveth - and fly out again -- and no one is the wiser. sigh