I find it an interesting comment on character when Trump complains about the Pope commenting on his faith, but then he turns around and questions other people’s faith.
Rules for thee but not for me????
It was a quick joke and nothing more. But the PC police blow everything out of proportion.
I don’t know whether or not Romney is Mormon, but I damn well know without a shred of doubt he is a liberal Democrat.
Now is this Romney the same jackass who questioned EVERYTHING about Trump and moved into gratuitous insults a week or two ago?
Whining little punk.
Trump said Mormons work hard. Romney was lazy. We sure he’s really a Mormon?
It wasn’t questioning his faith. That’s gay.
He is probably just saying it to get a reaction out of Romney.
Pretty sure he was joking since Romney is usually careful not to say he is a Mormon or LDS, unless he is trying to get voters in Utah. I believe through most of Romney’s campaigns he always gave his religion as Christian, not LDS or Mormon.
The odd thing is several of my LDS/Mormon friends have said that Romney is not a “real” Mormon, not sure what they mean by that. I don’t discuss religion with them, so I don’t ask what they mean.
I saw it as humor. In simple terms:
Mormon equals smart
Romney equals dumb
Therefore Romney does not equal mormon
I think they ought to look at Cruz’s beliefs not Mitt’s. We all know he is Mormon. I went to high school with some relatives of his back in the ‘70’s. Same last name, huge Mormon family.
Why do Republican candidates continue to have themselves interviewed by a (former) Clinton employee, Clinton communications director, and Clinton Foundation contributor???
At least they could do themselves a favor and point out the blatant conflict of interest for the low information viewers.
“Well, George, since you are a former Clinton employee and one of their close friends, and you recently donated to Hillary’s phony foundation without disclosing it to your current employer and viewers, I think you can understand.....”
Trump may have high negatives but so does Mrs. Clinton.
Mormons are smart people, Romney is not a smart person, so Romney isn’t a Mormon....
I see logic is not a Trump strong point....
It isn't about religion or even Mormonism.
Mormons are smart people.
Romney says he is a Mormon.
Are you sure Romney is a Mormon?
Sheesh. You can lead a horse to water, but...
That is the most asinine line of reasoning I've ever heard of. Since Trump considers himself a smart person then does that mean he thinks he's a Mormon?
Is he a Mormon? Romney is pretty liberal. Are real Mormons liberal or is that like pro abortion catholics? Fake.
I’m wondering if Trump gets elected perhaps Romney should be investigated. Obviously he’s got some vested interest in the status quo, and it would be good to know if it is financial in nature.
Mitt Romney really is a Moron.
Then again, Romney is more of a worshiping Morman than reid is.
Than Pelosi or Biden are Catholics.
Then Feinstein is a practicing Jew.
Trump is masterfully baiting Romney as well as the MSM. The MSM gets their headline; "Trump questions Romney being Mormon". This hooks the average viewer who then listens to the clip.
Mormons smart. Romney not smart. Ergo, Romney not Mormon.
Now Romney is stuck either saying nothing in reply or attempting to defend himself; which itself will spring another trap. If he says he is smart, Trump retorts Romney was dumb. He couldn't beat Obama in '12. If Romney gets into the "how dare you question my religion" mode, Trump reiterates Mormons smart, Romney not.