Organized by Luis Gutierrez and Black Lives Matter
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(Mar 10, 2016) U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez, Chicago activists and students are planning separate protests outside a University of Illinois at Chicago venue where Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is expected to speak.
Organizers say they are motivated by disparaging comments Trump has made, including about Mexicans and Muslims.
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(03/11/16) ANTI-TRUMP protests planned for Chicago
UIC students have organized what theyre describing as a massive action some 10,000 have signed up as attending online another 17,000 expressed ‘interest.’
Doesnt know what hes in for: Other immigrant groups, religious leaders and young African American protesters are expected to join forces in a public rebuke of Trump
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Student Petition Aims to Cancel Trump Rally in Chicago, Protests Planned
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Surrounded by supporters and local aldermen, Democratic U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez of Chicago said that the leaders are asking constituents to show up outside UIC Pavilion doors to express their opposition to Trump’s candidacy.
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The St. Louis Progressive Students Organization is organizing major disruptions at Donald Trumps rally at the Peabody Opera House in downtown St. Louis.
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Bookmarking to catalogue just who joins in with these lefty thugs.
About Us Progressive Students Organization Saint Louis was founded in January, 2016, as an organization uniting revolutionary and progressive minded youth and students throughout the Saint Louis Metropolitan Area. It is politically united based on its Points of Unity, works for the attainment of its Platform, and operates according to its Constitution.Points of Unity We are a revolutionary movement; we fight for socialism and liberation. We, the revolutionary students and youth of Saint Louis, recognize the importance of creating a revolutionary political climate in our schools, workplaces, leisure spaces, and communities by doing work with the masses of people.Platform 1. We want community control of all community colleges, universities, technical and trade schools and public high schools as a form of reparations for slavery, colonialism and imperialism and the opening-up of them for use by the community. We want the abolition of all Boards of Trustees. 2. We want guaranteed admission to every Saint Louis school for all poor, working-class and oppressed-nationality students, the abolition of systematically exclusive and objectively racist, classist and generally anti-people admission practices (e.g. placement exams, standardized tests) and an end to all forms of tuition and fees. 3. We want a democratic and scientific education system to replace the current reactionary, bourgeois, undemocratic, white-supremacist patriarchal capitalist education system. We want an education that exposes the true exploitation and oppression of the United States of America, informs us of our true history as oppressed and dispossessed nationalities and prepares us to struggle for collective liberation. 4. We want administrators and teachers who harass, threaten and punish students for political organizing to be removed immediately. We want teachers who suppress progressive and revolutionary ideas to be removed. We want the abolition of all policies that prevent political organizing and the expression of political dissent by students, faculty and staff.
This is straight SDS/WU propaganda (Port Huron statement)
Far-Left Anarchists With MoveOn.Org and Bernie Sanders Take Credit For Chicago Political Mayhem
Posted on March 11, 2016 by sundance
It appears the origin for the violence in Chicago tonight originates from the alignment of various left wing teams: Occupy Wall Street, Anarchists, the Soros funded MoveOn.Org, F**k The Police, Black Lives Matter, and organized with the campaign team of Bernie Sanders:
The fascist Donald Trump is coming to our city this Friday. It is our job and our duty to unite to #ShutItDown.
***Organized by Luis Gutierrez and Black Lives Matter
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(Mar 10, 2016) U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez, Chicago activists and students are planning separate protests outside a University of Illinois at Chicago venue where Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is expected to speak.
Organizers say they are motivated by disparaging comments Trump has made, including about Mexicans and Muslims.
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(03/11/16) ANTI-TRUMP protests planned for Chicago
UIC students have organized what theyre describing as a massive action some 10,000 have signed up as attending online another 17,000 expressed interest.
Doesnt know what hes in for: Other immigrant groups, religious leaders and young African American protesters are expected to join forces in a public rebuke of Trump
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Student Petition Aims to Cancel Trump Rally in Chicago, Protests Planned
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Surrounded by supporters and local aldermen, Democratic U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez of Chicago said that the leaders are asking constituents to show up outside UIC Pavilion doors to express their opposition to Trumps candidacy.
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The St. Louis Progressive Students Organization is organizing major disruptions at Donald Trumps rally at the Peabody Opera House in downtown St. Louis.
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And Cruz and Rubio, supposed Star Conservatives, are on the record as being for these leftist, gutter tactics against the leading Republican Presidential candidate.
The GOP can’t go the way of the Whig Party fast enough. And take your “boys”with you.