Are you behind the hacking of the Drudge Poll to make your point about Cruz?
Like I said, somebody is running the totals up for Cruz dramatically FAST and it stands out like a sore thumb.
It jumped 3% for Cruz in 10 minutes.
I've watched EVERY Drudge poll unfold since last August and this is UNUSUAL and ERADICATE behavior in how quickly the totals rise.
Cruzbot hackers voting AGAIN and AGAIN by continuously deleting the browser's "RegAuth" cookie from PollDaddy.
I already said. It’s the Chicoms.
Next they will hack a headliner “Trump drops out of the Race!”
We just need to let Drudge know about the shanigans!!!
Geez, grow up. It’s a stupid online poll that is totally meaningless.
TDR is strong in this one.
There’s no cookie controlling the poll. It seems to block you from revoting by checking your IP address. Is a Cruzbot constantly finding new IP addresses to vote from?