“By his steaks ye shall know him” ... What does that even mean, given that he has no steaks?
If you call “facts” nitpicking, well then there is no way to have a logical discussion. I have no idea where you get the idea that I am desperate, but what evs, if it makes you feel better then go ahead and label me as such. No skin off my back, sticks and stones and all that.
They could have just displayed the wine and the water. The steaks weren’t his and were all smoke and mirrors. I’m puzzled as to why they thought that using Bush Brother’s steaks would prove anything.
IMO, Romney did zero damage to Trump, so why give Rommey more attention?
Hope you have a wonderful, blessed day, Leni!
Steaks were the piece de resistance! That was one of the items jealous Romney mentioned in his so called speech. Mittster is extremely jealous, in that Trump is going to succeed where he utterly failed.