Posted on 03/04/2016 8:48:25 AM PST by Biggirl
Call The Rush Limbaugh Show program line between 12 Noon & 3PM Eastern Time, at: 1-800-282-2882 E-mail Rush: or Fax Rush at: 212-445-3963 Write a letter to Rush and mail it to: The Rush Limbaugh Show, 1270 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Join This Ping List Now!
E-mail Rush:
Fax Rush at: 212-445-3963,
Write a letter to Rush and mail it to:
The Rush Limbaugh Show,
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AND NOW... amidst billowing clouds of fragrant, aromatic first- and second-hand premium cigar smoke... it is time for... that harmless, lovable little fuzz ball, the highly-trained broadcast specialist, having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have, from behind the golden EIB microphone, firmly ensconced in the prestigious Attila-The-Hun chair at the Limbaugh Institute of Advanced Conservative Studies, serving humanity simply by showing up, and hes not retiring until every American agrees with him - do NOT doubt him - with shrieks of joy at the mere mention of his name (thats Rush, for those in Rio Linda),the Mandarin of Talk Radio, with talent on loan from G-d, at the cutting-edge of societal evolution, with half his brain tied behind his back just to make it fair, the all-knowing, all-caring, all-sensing, all-feeling, all-concerned Maha-Rushie! Americas anchorman, truth detector, and doctor of democracy. A real man, a living legend, a way of life. Commander-in-Chief of U.S. Operation Chaos. Chief Waga-Waga El Rushbo of the El Conservo Tribe. Chief of the Patriotism Police. Leader of the Conservative Movement. A Weapon of Mass Instruction. El Rushbo (a little Spanish lingo, there). He is the man who is running America (you know it and I know it). He knows the Democrats like every square inch of his glorious naked body. He is ready to do what he was born to do host. Get ready to what you were born to do listen. And post your comments on the Rush Limbaugh LIVE Radio Thread.
Excuse me, when did the NY Times admit there was ‘nothin’ in the tapes.
And, if so, wouldn’t it have been simple for Trump to just allow them to be released?
There is something in the tapes.
Ted did not hiss, neither did he babble.
No off-the-record conversations between Ted and the media have been reported, so I guess you must have been there.
It’s called extrapolating. Making predictions on what will happen based on what has happened.
Trump has failed to keep promises; has changed his mind frequently; has changed who he supports and what his values are constantly.
Ergo, he will be just as lousy as President.
It ain’t brain surgery (bye, Ben Carson)
I’m not saying you are pathetic. Trying to be nice today.
But that post was pathetic.
Lol, no, it's called making self-serving crap up based on little or nothing in the way actual facts.
I know. The only one that Trump.
Yes, Rush is horrible. hahaha
You people supporting Drumpf cannot stand it because he’s not tagging along.
He is telling it like it is as he has always done.
Your support of him fluctuates on whether or not he says something good about Drumpf or not.
Sorry, but by now there is very little good that can be said about Drumpf because he has damned himself by his own words and positions.
Cruz should not just respond to Bruce.
He should chase him down and beat him up.
That’s what the Donald would do.
Or maybe The Donald would just bore him to death with his ranting and raving.
Buzz off.
I don’t totally rely on focus groups but at least the people in the groups actually watched the debate and are questioned about various answers, etc.
Most people who vote on Drudge ...guessing here ... but I doubt if watched the debates.
Miss Marmalade. Charming as always.
Why don’t you just bide your time. You are sure I will be gone when Ted Cruz loses.
And you are sure that will be soon.
So breathe, just breathe. You can do it.
Nice Try, but it is basing what will probably happen on what has already happened.
We know that Trump is a phony with multiple positions and no core values.
So it’s kinda sad that you people have put your faith in him.
Even though you can be obnoxious, I feel sorry for you.
No, simple answer (and the obvious one) Cruz has lost every debate to Trump.
He moves NOWHERE in the polls after these debate “wins.” Your argument is like that of a musician who insists his music is the greatest but the stupid customers just don’t appreciate it.
The ONLY bottom line is winning in the elections. Trump 338, Cruz 226 and it’s about to get a LOT worse.
So, simply, Cruz has lost every debate.
Unoriginal as always, I see, and as unfunny as your ridiculous candidate.
You always disappear as soon as your loser candidate loses. The nominee will not be Cruz who has all the charm of a corpse with rictus and all the humor of Tom Smothers chatting about the Viet Nam War.
By the way, did you ever get a radio or tv set to listen to either Rush or the debate? Because we know you have no interest in listening or watching either.
Or are you just on these threads to annoy people?
Okay. Why are you people obsessed with hands?
Just because Trump is obsessed with his small hands, we don’t all have to be.
His hands look normal to me. (His face doesn’t, but not going there)
For some reason Trump has always been sensitive about them.
There was an article in Spy Magazine ... long time ago... the writer was knocking Trump and referred to his small hands.
Now, listen carefully because this is the creepy part.
Trump wrote letter after letter to this magazine guy...for years ... sending PICTURES of his hands.
I am assuming that is all he sent pictures of but WHO would do that.
Almost as obsessive as a silly feud that he will not give up with Megyn Kelly.
I would say nice try... but it wasn’t.
Lol, oh please, keep your sympathy to yourself. If you actually think that Ted's absurd claim that if Trump is elected, he'll appoint liberal judges and we'll lose our 2nd amendment rights is a valid assumption, then you need to feel sorry for yourself.
Trump named two very conservative judges he favored. Sorry, Ted's just making crap up and his followers are making themselves look silly pretending it's even half rational. Lies by any other name.
Rubio started it.
Well nothing says creepy like Luz’s new BFF Glenn the chithouse mouse Beck threatening to stab Trump to death. There’s a winning campaign theme. “Kill Trump” Next rally BEck will be chanting “Red Rum” as he swears Luz in on a Kabar. LOL!
Establishment Plan D
Roll out another Establishment/Globalist Sell Out P.O.S.
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