Trump on Conservative.
” DICKERSON: What is your definition of conservative?
TRUMP: Well, I think its a person that doesnt want to take risks. I think thats a good thing. A person that wants to in terms of government Im talking about. Person that wants to conserve, a person that wants to in financial sense balance budgets. A person that feels strongly about the military and I feel very strong low about the military. And you have some of these Amy they dont even want to focus on the military. Our military is falling apart I feel very I have always felt very strongly about the military. By the way, if you look at vision, the word vision, I was the one that said, take the oil, Ive been saying that for years, take the oil, lets take the oil. Nobody would listen then all of a sudden after Paris they started saying maybe thats right well take the oil. They still dont take the proper way. I was which is a little bit different than Normal conservative. But I was very much opposed to the war in Iraq. Lot of these guys were all for the war in Iraq look whats that has got it. Spent $2 trillion, now handing Iraq over, just handing over to Iran. Iran is going to take over Iraq I said that was going to happen. I said that years ago. In 2003 that Iran will take over Iraq was largest oil reserves in the world thats not a conservative position. When I was saying, dont go into Iraq Im a very militaristic person, Im very much into the military, will build our military better and stronger, thats the opposed to what we have now. I was opposed to the war in Iraq. Most conservatives, lets go gung-ho. Everyone of them wanted the war in Iraq. Look where it got us.
Put it another way, George W. Bush did not replace George Washington, as the most respected voice on American Foreign Policy.
Donald is still in the process of sorting some of these issues out; but he is instinctively moving in the right direction; and has already performed a yeoman service to America in confronting and thrashing the PC bullies!