Yeah, it's about Apple obeying court orders when they get them.
It’s about Apple.lawfully appealing a court order when they get one. Are you a bit ther too?
It’s not going to be easy to make this case when the phone belonged to a known mass-murdering terrorist.
“Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God.”
Before you get all statist on me here note that Thomas Jefferson wanted “Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God” to be our national motto.
That said, resistance to a tyrannical court order is an act of patriotism.
At this point Apple is exercising their right to petition redress through the courts but if that fails it won’t take too much for Apple to simply up and move offshore and then ignore the US court order.
This is about setting precedent. If Apple caves then the FBI can go to any internet device manufacturer and ask for a backdoor. It's getting to hard for them to go to each company one at a time. So they're trying to shotgun it and get access to the world of all internet devices (all smartphones, computers, cars and "the Internet of Things")
I have a friend who was approached by the NSA. He was a Sr VP and they came to him and asked for a backdoor. He arranged it, because it made sense. But there are many companies where it doesn't make sense and to protect their use base they won't just give one out.
So, you trust the FBI enough to just give them access to everything? And you trust them enough that they will only use it on special occasions. I don't
People have gone to jail for not granting access:
Ralph Nachio of Quest CEO of Bitlocker
ok, answer me this......
My iphone 5s has a passcode. being old and absent minded, I forget the pass code. I can’t operate my phone. Why can’t I as owner take the phone to apple and ask them to crack the pass code and give my phone back?
the alternative is throwing away the phone.
Why are you here?