“As contentious as things can get, just remember; there are people out here who WANT you to get zotted,”
A number of Cruz FReepers have posted thank you to me for not wallowing in the mud. Not all of them are bad. I believe they are either misguided,failed in their due diligence, or not conservatives to begin with.
That’s because you’re wonderful, fabulous, awesome, etc.
Happy now?
Let’s understand, there are Cruz supporters and Cruzbots - 2 >>COMPLETELY<< different groups.
If someone likes Cruz and thinks he’s the best candidate, great. That’s their belief, that’s their right. Enjoy.
The Cruzbots, OTOH, are the one posting 2 month old polls, garbage from their own blogs, lies, babble, repeatedly making inane statements like “SC is REALLY conservative!” or “St. Rafael has a ground campaign that’ll shock the world!” or proclaiming St. Rafael to be a cherub sent from Heaven. THOSE are the sick, idiotic mouthbreathers that were in a bloodlust after Iowa.
Let’s be clear, supporting a candidate is one thing. Being an agitator is another.
I look at this way, my friend...
The ‘tards on the Left hate ALL of us, equally, no matter who we support. They’re the real enemy.
Fix bayonets, secure the perimeter, and hold until relieved.