Conservative is proving physical security by securing the borders and strongly supporting the second amendment. Conservative is economic security by ensuring we have at least a level playing field in trade and in improving real full-time job creation. Conservative is ensuring that the federal government is more efficient in how it operates and reduces regulations. Conservative is putting experienced business and where warranted political people in positions in the cabinet and other positions to effectively carry out operations. Conservative is not engaging us in foreign military operations that are not in the best interests of the United States. Those are the key issues for me. It is as simple as food, clothing, shelter.
If we have that umbrella then I am willing to fight internally on social issues.
I want a President who knows how to run large operations and is a leader. No one else can measure up and I do NOT want a lawyer or lifetime political in the office.
Are three declared bankruptcies a metric for effective management? Are they the hallmark of a conservative? The willful choice to not repay one’s debts, to steal money from a lender or business partner under the guise of a loan or partnership only to weasle out of repaying the loan or living up to the terms of the partnership. Three times. By your own admission, Trump has the assets and resources to have made good on these debts. He didn’t. He chose to stop paying on the loans rather than tap into his vast personal financial reserves. Just because a criminal can steal something doesn’t make it alright that he does.
Spot on.