“Cruz, who announced his presidential bid this morning,”
Dang near a year ago.
We know he has since called for a halt to H1B visas since, after the debacle it has become.
When Cruz wanted a 500% increase in H1b visas I thought this guy doesn’t know millions of people with experience and qualifications, degrees, certifications with major certification programs run by all the big companies, Microsoft, Cisco, SAP, Oracle, etc.
If Cruz put that huge increase out there was he being paid off? was he just ignorant? I never understood it.
Just like I never understood the hollowing out of our lead in semiconductors, programming, etc. How we are buying Apple products designed here and made in China at huge mark ups. Apple pays a few dollars a day for a day of labor yet Ipads cost over $500. We are not getting a more affordable product, we are not getting to jobs, we are just getting hosed by Apple so they can have 150 billion dollars in cash. Apple and many others don’t have any American patriotism, Loyalty to America people and her workers, and its sickening