When Cruz wanted a 500% increase in H1b visas I thought this guy doesn’t know millions of people with experience and qualifications, degrees, certifications with major certification programs run by all the big companies, Microsoft, Cisco, SAP, Oracle, etc.
If Cruz put that huge increase out there was he being paid off? was he just ignorant? I never understood it.
Just like I never understood the hollowing out of our lead in semiconductors, programming, etc. How we are buying Apple products designed here and made in China at huge mark ups. Apple pays a few dollars a day for a day of labor yet Ipads cost over $500. We are not getting a more affordable product, we are not getting to jobs, we are just getting hosed by Apple so they can have 150 billion dollars in cash. Apple and many others don’t have any American patriotism, Loyalty to America people and her workers, and its sickening
I may be naïve, but I think initially Cruz may have thought there were a lack of high tech job candidates in the past.
Probably hearing that from High Tech firms themselves.
Seems that now, we all know this is not the case, and H1B is being abused.
I do think that in some of the Engineering fields (mechanical, for example) we may have a need to import some people, but not thousands, and not at the expense of our own workforce.
Electronic and Computer type engineering have more than enough US candidates to fill the jobs available.
Most kids go for that type of engineering degree. They all want to be video game creators, LOL.
Seriously, though, there will be a case by case basis where we may need to import high tech or highly skilled labor like engineers and doctors, etc.
I think the employers, whoever they may be, should have to prove that they could not find any US citizen candidates, that they have exhausted all efforts, before being allowed to look outside the USA for them.