Posted on 02/09/2016 7:51:07 AM PST by xzins
It's going to be hard for the Republicans to field a presidential candidate as enthusiastic about the H-1B visa as U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).
Cruz, who announced his presidential bid this morning, once proposed an immediate increase in the base H-1B cap from 65,000 to 325,000. Cruz offered the H-1B increase as an amendment in 2013 to the Senate's comprehensive immigration bill.
Cruz's amendment was defeated by the Senate's Judiciary Committee, which approved an 180,000 H-1B cap increase in the comprehensive immigration bill. The House never acted on this legislation.
Cruz's H-1B amendment, however, proposed increasing H-1B fees from $1,500 to $2,500 for those with 25 employees or more. The money would be used to create block grants to promote STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) education.
During the Senate committee debate, Cruz said imposing restrictions on the visa was unnecessary, but said he would support restrictions if the Judiciary Committee â then debating the bill â would agree to his cap recommendation. Among the restrictions in the Senate bill was a provision aimed at large offshore outsourcing providers that limited their use of H-1B or L-1 visa workers to 50% of their workforce.
Cruz is part of large group of politicians who will not acknowledge the H-1B's visas use in offshore outsourcing or the reality of U.S. workers who are forced to train their visa-holding replacements. In defending this H-1B increase, Cruz cited a study by the American Enterprise Institute, which argued that visa workers create jobs. This organization primarily represents the views of large companies and asset management firms.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
And Trump wanted to grant legalization to all the "good" illegals in the country less than a year ago. Cruz's proposal three years ago, even if passed, would have resulted in about half a million legal immigrants. Trump's proposal from less than a year ago would have resulted in 10 million+ illegals being granted legal status. Which one is worse?
The concept of a moral constitution was used as a justification for a position. I challenged that as being the driving force behind the decision.
Once they get H-1, they apply for citizenship. I am privileged to work alongside these people. They are a pleasant reminder that there are people in this world who still believe in the American Dream. And it benefits this country when we get the very best that the world has to offer working here.
Of course none of this has anything to do with Cruz's opposition to the comprehensive immigration bill.
I have never met one, all of them that get their citizenship are Democrats from my experience. Are you foreign born?
Yup, my kids need not apply. Ted please get a handle on this concept.
Now there's a load of bovine excrement.
Cruz's legalization scheme had no such qualifiers that would have lead to "about half a million legal immigrants". His H1-B scheme would have caused the unemployment of countless Americans that are still trying to pay off those school loans.
And most ridiculous of all, you assume "the good" Illegals in Trumps plan would include nearly all Illegals.
No. The 500% continued LONG after that. That bill was in 2013.
This is Ted speaking in 2015....Go to the video on this page at the 46 minute and the 48.5 minute mark
My family came from Scotland and settled in Virginia in 1609. And you?
I am not sure when but sometime around 1800 or so in Virginia.
Your post is point on - I wouldn’t trust Cruz, or any politician today, as far as I can throw him.
There are many issues I disagree with Cruz on, but all that withstanding, one thing that really makes me cringe is his idiotic claim of not knowing he had Canadian citizenship...I mean really! Who buys this tripe?
He’s for legal immigration. So what? Isn’t that what we’ve been saying for years now? Enforce current immigration laws?
That was the moment I started changing my mind about him.
I could not reconcile his statement with the fact that I ALREADY knew it after a little bit of time on google.
His version was flooding the market with so-called “tech” workers who took jobs at half the price through off shore companies.
You have no idea what you are talking about. First off, the H1-B proposal had nothing to do with legalizing illegal immigrants - it was specifically about visas for hi-tech workers. And there was a specific number of visas mentioned in the amendment, 325,000 visas.
And most ridiculous of all, you assume "the good" Illegals in Trumps plan would include nearly all Illegals.
Hey, at the time, the only ones Trump was talking about deporting were "the bad ones", i.e. the criminals. He was talking about legalization for the rest. You may not like it, but facts are facts.
Wow, a time warp.
Did you make that one up all by yourself, or did you have help?
I'm not following you on that. Not clear what you are saying.
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Posts by St_Thomas_Aquinas
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More jobs than job seekers bodes well for U.S. labor force in 2016, expert says
February 9, 2016 at 10:25:16 AM CST · 33 of 49
St_Thomas_Aquinas to uncitizen
Who is the target audience of this crap who actually believes it? Seriously, who?
Liberal professors, government employees, trust-fund babies and 20-somethings.
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David Bowie had coke-fuelled closet threesome with Mick Jagger, claims late legendâs bodyguard
February 9, 2016 at 10:25:12 AM CST · 11 of 50
St_Thomas_Aquinas to Impala64ssa
Mick Jagger's 30 year old son was asked recently whether he preferred the Beatles or the Stones.
He replied, “The Stones. But if you were to ask me to choose between the Kinks and the Stones, I'd choose the Kinks.”
That made my day. Love The Kinks.
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Notes on Cultural Collapse
February 9, 2016 at 10:14:43 AM CST · 7 of 57
St_Thomas_Aquinas to Kaslin
The idea that society can't police itself — can't enforce standards regarded as both right and useful — is nonsensical, a cover for weakness, a balm for the economic itch. A Dallas city councilman, noting the city's efforts to keep the convention hall full, suggests, “If we're going to compete with Vegas, we have to be prepared to get a little Vegas on us.” Wow! Wouldn't the author of The Federalist Papers like to hear that one?
You often see that spirit here.
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Pope believes Putin is the man to help Christians around the world
February 9, 2016 at 10:09:00 AM CST · 12 of 23
St_Thomas_Aquinas to Trumpinator
From the article:
Pope Francis said Putin is “the only one with whom the Catholic Church can unite to defend Christians in the East”, according to Sputnik.
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Ted Cruz, the presidential candidate who wants to increase the H-1B cap by 500%
February 9, 2016 at 10:09:00 AM CST · 25 of 97
St_Thomas_Aquinas to xzins
Cruz: ‘Poison Pill’ Amendments Killed Rubio’s ‘Gang of Eight’ Bill
Jeff Sessions: “Ted Cruz was on my side and fought this legislation”
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Trump events in NH filled to capacity (videos & photos)
February 9, 2016 at 10:09:00 AM CST · 63 of 63
St_Thomas_Aquinas to campaignPete R-CT
Trump draws full house at own event as he snubs Fox News debate [Iowa]
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Bernie Sanders Prevails and G.O.P. Has 3-Way Tie as 3 New Hampshire Towns Vote
February 9, 2016 at 10:09:00 AM CST · 50 of 52
St_Thomas_Aquinas to Cincinatus’ Wife
You must be over the target.
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Bernie Sanders Prevails and G.O.P. Has 3-Way Tie as 3 New Hampshire Towns Vote
February 9, 2016 at 10:09:00 AM CST · 49 of 52
St_Thomas_Aquinas to Buckeye McFrog
What has he got against carpenters?
“He was a sh***y carpenter, a friend told Politico Magazine. His carpentry was not going to support him, and didn't.”
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Bernie Sanders Prevails and G.O.P. Has 3-Way Tie as 3 New Hampshire Towns Vote
February 9, 2016 at 10:09:00 AM CST · 48 of 52
St_Thomas_Aquinas to Cincinatus’ Wife
My wife was reading me Sanders’ bio yesterday. He was an itinerant hippie carpenter (a terrible carpenter by all accounts) and commie grifter until he became mayor of Burlington at age 39.
Like so many radical socialists, he has never held a steady job in the private sector.
I would LOVE to see his resume matched up against Ted's in the general election.
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Trump calls Cruz a p___y. Is this really what we want? (vanity)
February 9, 2016 at 10:09:00 AM CST · 174 of 247
St_Thomas_Aquinas to soozla
Trump did not “call another candidate” that.....a woman in the audience did!!!!!!!!!
Of course.
Did you watch the video?
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Trump calls Cruz a p___y. Is this really what we want? (vanity)
February 9, 2016 at 10:09:00 AM CST · 173 of 247
St_Thomas_Aquinas to Lib-Lickers 2
IMHO you were a pussy for not spelling it out
Why did Braveheart make the woman repeat what she said?
Trump wanted plausible denial.
“I didn't say it, she did! I just repeated what she said!”
Wait for it.
Trump, you Braveheart, man.
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Trump calls Cruz a p___y. Is this really what we want? (vanity)
February 9, 2016 at 10:09:00 AM CST · 172 of 247
St_Thomas_Aquinas to Gaffer
So comparing Trump's profanities to LBJ makes it OK? LBJ was a goon.
Urinating in a sink, inviting people into his bathroom, showing off his abdominal scar, exposing his private parts: after a while nothing surprises a biographer of Lyndon Baines Johnson
Three New Revelations About LBJ
Nothing would surprise me about Trump.
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In terms of H1B visas, Cruz supported them before, during, and AFTER the comprehensive immigration bill. Those amendments were dear to his heart.
The video on this page:
The video shows Ted Cruz supporting the same thing during THIS PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN, and that’s long AFTER the immigration bill is dead and gone.
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