Nobody is paying me. My concern is to preserve life if I can. Your life, my kids’ lives, Carson’s life, Trump’s life, Cruz’s life, Obama’s kids’ lives... Just life. People I don’t want to starve, freeze, dehydrate, or be shot to death if our enemies attack.
I know that seems an impossible stance to some people because they’ve never seen somebody actually care about ALL people, and not just “their guy”...
Butter, we hung in there with you on all of the Loretta Fuddy posts/work you did, but this is one you might want to let go.
CNN NEVER said the words “quit” “ getting out” or “suspending” when talking about Carson going to FL to get fresh clothes.
They said “odd” and “you just don’t do that”, etc., but NEVER “quit” “getting out” or “suspending”.