Half of us Conservatives disagree with the Trum-Cruz populist position on immigration. We are Christians and Jews who take the Scripture literally and seriously. We are capitalists who believe: Let-the-free-market-decide.
My major criticism of Rubio (and others in the gang of 8) is they say nothing about welfare to immigrants. No immigrant, illegal, legal or naturalized should receive welfare (EITC, TANF, EBT, Sec8, etc.) And of course, murderers, rapists, DUI drivers are not part of capitalism.
We should not create another underclass here in the US. But there is a big difference between the welfare parasites, such as alleged refugees and people who do honest work and take care of their families.
Another mistake of the gang of 8, and Dubya and everyone in the establishment is their love of COMPREHENSIVE bills.
Now, the political reality is we need to focus on the real problems first. Felons, DUI drivers and those on welfare are something we should agree on and deport them first. They are the cheap ones to deport. They already have contact with the government. Nobody has to go knocking on the doors of strangers to deport them.
The winning elections reality is that historically Republicans and conservatives have been against welfare and criminals and for those who do honest work, historically described in terms of citizens, not those on welfare. But to win elections, we need to retain that image of being for people who do honest work.
There’s no such thing as an illegal alien who does honest work. Every dollar they take out of the free market is being stolen from some American citizen who should have that job.
I should know. I have a small business in the building trades, and have had to compete with these invaders for almost two decades now.
My wife and I have calculated that they’ve stolen at least a million dollars off our family’s table in the last ten years alone. As a consequence, we’ve lived a much reduced standard of living than we should have, over that time.
We’ve had to lower our prices by nearly 50% since 2006, just to stay competitive enough to stay alive. Have you taken a 50% pay cut over the last ten years? I have, so spare me the bleeding heart political spin about these heathen thieves.