That's why 47% of the voters will always vote Democrat.
Until the Republican leaders learn how to appeal to these voters, we are always going to start 47 points behind.
That's probably not going to happen. This is a character issue we are dealing with here, not just a political one.
Without an internal concept of right and wrong and the personal desire to do the "right" thing, the wicked will always support the wicked because there is "something in it" for them.
It's the culture and the people who need to be changed.
Yes, you are right.
And I have stood on my moral high ground for decades and watched my nation go bankrupt (morally and financially) while Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and the Clintons stole and became rich.
We are the Boogie Men to Democrat voters. They throw rocks at us while the Democrat leaders pick their pockets and cheer them on.
The Democrat leaders in Flint, MI have given the Democrats there poison and the Democrats still support them.
Flint, Mi is just a big Jonestown, and the American Press turn their backs and hide in the corner hollering that it must be the Republican Boogie Man’s fault.