“I’m perfectly willing to admit that Trump has warts. Why can’t they admit the same about Ted?”
Because they consider themselves perfect - just as does Ted.
Pride goes before a fall.
Pride goes before a fall.
Even the great Ronaldus Magnus wasn't perfect. What is wrong with some people that they can't admit their guy is ,or has ever been anything but a sainted angel and Bringer of Light?
I've been watching both sides argue the records, past positions, personal histories, and current positions of the candidates, and there's one thing that stands out like a sore thumb: Cruz folks (by and large) simply reject any honest criticism of anything Ted has ever said or done.
I mean, it's like they're oblivious to facts, logic, or reason, where it comes to this one politician - despite the fact that he's violated simple articles of trust and ideology with conservatives, time and time again. Don't bother pointing them out to the faithful, you're just going to get a face full of spittle in return.
I actually started out as a Cruz guy, but Ted crossed the line with me one too many times (TPA, Corker, H1-B visas), and I finally had to admit to myself that he wasn't what he'd promoted himself to be.
Dunno....some folks seem to be quasi religious about the guy. I'm not.