I just wish the Donald would STFU. Can you imagine four years of listening to that guys mouth?
It would be like deja vu.
Looks like Donald forgot to tell Ellie Mae Palin the new talking points.
I just wish the Donald would STFU. Can you imagine four years of listening to that guys mouth?
We really never have a good group that you want to hear for four years. I really am not interested in hearing a sermon from Cruz every time he opens his mouth either. I think we all lose anyway when it comes to speaking........I was sick of George W. Bill Clinton.....Obama......Bush i.....Reagan I was pretty young so I never got sick of him......and probably wouldn’t have since he was a great speaker. We really haven’t had a good speaker since Reagan and I don’t see that changing this round.
Waaaaaaay better than Hillary.
You better buy some ear plugs.
I like Trump.
Four years of Trump would be easier to take than the Obummers CONSTANTLY on TV, on shows, etc. We have never had a President who is constantly trying to hog air time like the Obummers. They seem to think they are stars.
No problem because we all know how to turn the sound down (while watching the state of the union) or hitting the off button because we learned how to do that BEFORE the 2008 election.
oh, by the way, I never watched one of his shows on tv.
Listening would be fresh air compared to listening to the Marxist faggot spewing his fetid filth on hate and change for US patriots.