I don’t like the caucus program. I don’t trust the results as being independent. It’s rife with chicanery and peer pressure/intimidation. Those with the strongest mob can win with no chance outside of Iowa.
Yes, NH is not what it used to be as well. But, I will be more accepting of the results because it is an Australian Ballot.
Super Tuesday will really show who’s got a broad base of support. It may be Cruz, or Trump. I don’t think that Rubio will fare that well on March 1st. But, anything is possible.
Peer pressure galore on the Iowa Rat side, but our GOP side was fairly clean with secret ballots and minimal electioneering. My precinct offered 2 minutes for candidate representatives to speak. Bush, The main difference is you're locked into a specific block of time, instead of voting briefly whenever. It culls the less motivated voters.