Secularism is the established religion of the United States. A clear violation of the First Amendment. But what the heck, the rest of the Constitution isn’t followed either.
If he’s advocating for the church to pay taxes like any other business, then sure, do it. Anyone that’s old enough to vote already can, so their input into political discourse is and has been there all along. And Lord knows black churches don’t abstain from pulpit politicizing, anyway.
We no longer live in the 1960s and the threat to Christians (and even to those Jews who are not secular and anti-Christian) comes not from the Supreme Court or the ACLU but from the Muslim incursion. The fastidiousness of the Warren court in erecting walls between church and state can only be seen as quaint anachronisms when juxtaposed against the onrushing wave of sharia.
What this article does not understand is that Christians must now make a choice. Either we accept the Warren court view and demand that it be applied equally against Muslims, or we look to impose a Christian sharia on Muslims-but there is no third way. We cannot have a quasi-separation of church and state which favors Christians in a world containing a determined minority of Muslims. It must be all one or all the other.
This is the great decision which God-fearing Christians must face.
I think President Donald John Trump is just the man to blow the whistle, throw a brown flag and call BS once and for all on this Separation malarkey. It’s a cinch, nobody else, clergy or legislator has had the spine to do it all these years.
OTOH, he might merely provide the legal backing and let Dr. Jeffress, or one of the Falwells proclaim it; Let the House knock that whole business into the round file along with the rest of the PC baloney, and give us back our preeminent right. Bill of Rights Item 1.
Of course, that will be after all the jihadists, shariah pushers and sundry other non-assimilators are sent back to where they can have as much of that sort of misery as they desire.
Trump has already said, repeatedly, that restoring Bill of Rights Item 2 to its rightful exalted position will take place early-on, as well.
Great article! Thank you for posting Kaslin!!!
Yep . . . .
Two choices:
Speak up
Shut up.