B.S. Poor people live well here because the dwindling supply of hard working & taxpaying citizens in this country are paying for it...THAT is Socialism.
You are still babbling the “rising tide lifts all boats” garbage that was applicable 30 years ago. That was my POINT about technology and transportation and the idiocy of the old “zero-sum” game argument.
The global economy IS a zero-sum game...there are no new players to be had. We have nowhere to go but down unless we protect ourselves; and down we have been going for well over a decade now. Use your brain and quit spouting platitudes...the evidence is all around you, FGS.
No it’s not a “zero-sum” game. The evidence of what I said is all around. A tremendous increase in standard of living. Cheap consumer goods, cheap travel, explosion in computers, tv, cable, phones, cars. We’ve gone through life-changing booms in standard of living just since the ‘80s, when all these “trade deals” were supposedly supposed to be killing us. I see NO evidence of that.
People working to create things creates this abundance. An economy has one purpose, and that is to motivate people to produce. Life gets better for all of us as innovation after innovation compounds on top of each other. There is no “zero-sum,” there is constant improvement for everybody engaged in capitalism and free trade.