“...He will not be participating in the FOX News debate and will instead host an event in Iowa to raise money for the Veterans and Wounded Warriors,...”
Wow...just wow! A scoundrel “wrapping himself in the flag” and trying to use our honorable servicemen and veterans TO MASK HIS COWARDLINESS.
TRUMP —— One hell of a WEENY!
Well make sure you dont donate anything, but instead write a letter of support to the press.
And like a dog to vomit, the trumpeters lap it up.
Whatever. You are the #1 Trump hater on this board. Trump’s been challenging the networks to support the vets since the first debate. I’m a vet and think this is great. The real ‘users’ are all the career politicians on that stage, including your boy Cruz, who’s been living off the taxpayers his entire life. I suppose Trump could raise money for teddy bears and toys for illegals, or he could’ve paid off Ted’s Goldman and Cititbank loans, or paid his healthcare premiums that Ted was whining had lapsed when they didn’t. I’ll go with the vets.
Well, as a Veteran, I fully support Trump.
what a great man!! I have never seen such an answer to prayer. I am so committed now. They have same day registration in Iowa and I am going!! This is so great. My GYN was such a consummate bitch to Trump last debate before he took her out with bleeding (from the eyes) . She is a RINO whore , She was tasked with a political assassination “attempt” that blew her up but missed him. Now she has cost her company $200 million and I think Roger Aisles will be fired by Murdock by tomorrow at noon. Mt GYN will be gone and replaced by Maria Bartaroma , in my view. This is a disaster for FAUX!!
Did you forget about this? Even Cruz was sick of the media bias.
-— trying to use our honorable servicemen and veterans TO MASK HIS COWARDLINESS. -—
Just like he did with the NYFD at the last debate.
He couldn’t be more transparent. But some sales tricks are eternal.
The little widow sitting across the isle perhaps gave $10 out of her income, gave all she could give. Who is the better person?
$100..........out of his BILLIONS.....been better if he had put it in an envelope and kept his paltry sums a secret.
Now he has to grandstand with this Veterans thing, all show. He's is an obnoxious coward.
Better look in the mirror there Festus.