Newsflash - the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989. It doesn’t exist anymore.
That is exactly the time that the Communists scrambled over to the USA to take over the Green Movement stated by the Green Peace Founder who resigned when the organization was infiltrated. (Communists will kill and destroy you if you resist).
So-—Communism did not collapse with the Berlin Wall topple-—it just scattered and regrouped itself to take over the World in other venues like “Global Warming” and Agenda 21, etc.
There is a Culture War as stated by W. Chambers and it is “God v. Man” and he said THEN, Man was winning. Yuri Bezmenov stated that the communists already had control over “education” in the US for generations and that the little useful idiots were virtually ready to topple America (his ‘bananas out of the ears’ speech). That was in the 80s when this ex-KGB explained how the Communists infiltrated EVERY corner of the earth. Control of Words (Cultural Marxism) was imposed in America by the 60s-—and the deconstruction of our culture—to tear down Christianity and our Traditions and history to create a vulgar Weimar Republic, has been on STEROIDS, even activated by SCOTUS with the total control of Thought/Speech has been put into the highest law, with their imposition of irrational satanism (religion) onto our children and in publik “education”.