You are wise to disregard the sleaze coming from the Tec Cruz followers!!! They have nary a clue!!! Just ignore them, totally!!! If they ever got their wish, and Cruz was nominatd for POTUS....any Democrat would slaughter him politically. He now, has such a narrow base of is pathetic. is really a shame....because, had he acted as he should have...he would have had a magnificent, great career!!! Spend no more time on him or his minions....they are lost at sea!!! Ted Cruz is naught but a wannbe that will never be!!! He caused his own downfall!!!
Cruz only has support because he’s got a death grip on Trump’s coattails. The dirty little secret is, Cruz could not have risen above establishment candidates on his own.
Anyone who knows today’s media-driven political landscape knows that.
I think what bothers many of us who are committed to voting for the Republican nominee no matter who it is -- is that they invoke the Name of Christ to judge supporters of others-than-Cruz and look down upon them in His Name. This is appalling.