Cruz only has support because he’s got a death grip on Trump’s coattails. The dirty little secret is, Cruz could not have risen above establishment candidates on his own.
Anyone who knows today’s media-driven political landscape knows that.
RE> Cruz only has support because he’s got a death grip on Trump’s coattails. The dirty little secret is, Cruz could not have risen above establishment candidates on his own. Anyone who knows today’s media-driven political landscape knows that.
If I may briefly expand on your point with something that keeps percolating to the top of my mind and is something that many seem to need reminding of.
Since this race got started, the establishment AND so-called alternative media game has propelled many of the R candidates out of the noise toward the top, starting with Jeb!. Their efforts to derail whomever is the front GOP runner is as transparent as always. If Trump never got into this race, I have no reasonable doubt that Jeb! would be the current front runner and I would have absolutely NO hope of beating the next Dem, likely to be Hilairy, but is skirting dangerously close to selecting socialist Sanders.
If not for Trump this would certainly be a repeat of the previous two pathetic election cycles for the GOP. If Trump had ran Indy, it likely might also have been a total disaster in the end. I am grateful that Trump has turned this cycle on it’s head and is flushing out (as in exposing) the GOP establishment with all he has from the inside.
I would think that is one result so far that all Freepers would be grateful for.
Our enemy is and has been the establishment GOP and media, not Trump or Cruz.