Ahhh....There is the problem. You hate politics.
Like I told my youngest son when he said the same thing........
Politics is a game. A game that is played for big stakes, in addition to the future of the country. Winning and losing is all there is. Those who connive behind the scenes and make deals that say essentially, "if we can't win, that guy is not going to win either" will end up sucking wind and in debt after it's all over. So the game does have some rules..
Just remember that you are not a participant. You are a bystander or a pawn, depending on your ability to reason. If you want to participate you can run for office. But if you want to be a pawn, all you need to do today is participate in social media and spread the political propaganda to your facebook page, and your forums, e-mail, twitter....whatever.
Let me be clear, I am not a pawn. I have been there and done that in the past and I know it when I see it.
I am a bystander and I am currently engaging pawns to see if they understand the game. I find that most do not.
Much better to be a bystander and take in the entirety of what politics is all about. If you are a pawn, you can't see that. It's bad mojo if you accidently do. The campaign will intentionally keep you agitated so that this never happens. That is what they do.
Back in the day we did it with mailings, and phone calls, and now it is done through social media.
It's a form of flash mob.
It's a good thing that it only occurs every two years...
Human beings are the most pathetic creatures on earth.