Only if the House gives him the mon...oh wait, never mind
The leviathan gets bigger.............
More jobs for play aunties.
Trump or Cruz should simply state: “Think hard before you take this job, because when I’m elected president you’ll be fired the first day I’m on the job.
Maybe he’ll put Lois Lerner in charge of the program.
100 cops on the streets of Chicago would stop more shootings than this nonsense.
Ever expanding government bump for later.....
Yes, creating government jobs by hiring people to aid an oppressive government to violate more of our rights and become more oppressive. The Second Amendment does not give authority to the US or State governments to regulate firearms, ammunition or the Militia, it gives it to the PEOPLE which has always meant individual rights and this is reinforced by the Tenth Amendment. The primary reason for the People to have the right to bear arms is to be able to defend themselves from an OPPRESSIVE government. The framers of our Constitution and the founders had more sense than to put that which they feared in charge of firearms and the Militia. We the People have ceded our rights for years by trusting those who want to make government larger and turn our citizenry into subjects.
New employees for all those private gun sale background checks that are gonna happen when Hell freezes over. LOL!
But how many jobs has he created at Smith & Wesson, Strum/Rugar, Mossberg etc? Thousands, probably, as demand for fire arms has exploded during King Barack’s rule.
Too bad Wall St. is too politically correct to create a Deadly SPYDER portfolio comprised of gun manufacturers, gun ranges, gun merchants. We could have made some great returns on those investments. (On a road trip to Dallas over Christmas, we were struck by several new gun ranges along the interstate, every one of them with crowded parking lots.)
I posted that the purpose of the order was to hire more people at the FBI and BATF and someone questioned me. Bring it.
And Paul Ryan gave Obama a blank check to hire them.
Ryan is far worse than Obama as he is an enabler.
It would not prick my heart, disturb my conscience, or eviscerate my soul, should, starting in the near future, for obama loving bureaucratic drones to begin lifelessly inhabiting the dumpsters in the alleys behind shops a la ‘Mack the Knife’, as the song goes.
To them, you will either fit the checklist or not. No apologies, no remorse.
President Trump has vowed that on his first day in office, he will revoke this EO and every other unconstitutional EO issued by Obama. It would be even better if President Trump simply revoked ALL of Obama’s EOs with Trump Presidential EO #1, and then reissued any that actually might some merit.