I have never, in my long voting life, abstained from voting for any reason. I have always done due research and then made the best choice I could. It is only after being duped by my own representatives in Congress this year that I really considered not voting. It just seemed as if this nation’s political system had become so corrupt that there was little that remained to support.
Then, Trump came on the scene. He seems to realize the dire circumstances this country is in and that it’s going to take some drastic measures to save our republic from becoming a third world hell hole for my grandchildren. I intend to do everything that I can to support him
If he doesn’t win the nomination, I will drag myself out of my malaise and vote. A Republican snake will always be preferable to a Democratic one in my book and it wouldn’t be the first time I voted for a Republican one.
There is a lot of truth in that. As much as I would like to sit one out, we have all seen the results of letting the bigger evil win. The damage done by Obama in 8 years will never get reversed.