Being unbound by political ideology is dangerous especially with people who could influence one to do the wrong thing.
I’m looking for a Conservative unafraid to implement Conservative ideology. Not being a politician is fine but one must have Conservative foundation.
Look for, and you will find more ideal conservatives than Trump. I would support Cruz without question if Trump were not a stronger leader for our times.
Trump has identified key issues and brought them to the electorate earlier than Cruz. earlier in fact than any other candidate. From the initial announcement Trump has been demonstrating his understanding of the critical nature of this election; and the key issues. (By these I mean jobs, taxes, size of government, and immigration. ) Because of this, I am not the least bit concerned that we are leaving some good conservative candidates on the table. We have the best leader, and someone who will accomplish what he says he will do. I do not see Trump influencing us to do something that is “wrong”. And I believe Trump will find cabinet positions for some of these conservative candidates that he is out-polling in this primary.
BTW, I also see a great deal of conservative thought in Trump’s positions. He is not a true evangelist, but that is not as important an issue to me as his American spirit and his support for the middle class of this country. I believe his faith and mine are not alike, but in terms of love of country, this Eagle Scout sees the kind of leadership we need in Trump.