Trump is not the only candidate to want this.
His policy statement on the border/illegals will result in the same thing Cruz (as one example) campaigns on.
And I trust Cruz (Trump’s past is telling, liberal baggage).
You trust Cruz? Good. I trust God. That’s what makes it possible to see things about where Cruz and Trump are heading.
My biggest reservation about Cruz is that I’m missing signs of his growing. That’s a not-good position for someone born again to be in. You can’t attain to alabaster sainthood on earth and then just sit on it with satisfaction. This will decay into ego.
Trump is a markedly flawed man, moving in the right general direction. This is a picture of someone more authentic about where he is.
Sorry but Cruz is in favor of legal status for illegals (amnesty). Plus Cruz flip flops all the time so I do not trust Cruz.