For several months we have wanted someone to stand up to the Black Lives Matter folks, and tell them to shove it.
Donald Trump is the first one to do it, and here Aaron Goldstein advocates he basically take it back, and give the guy a global platform to spew from.
As far as I know, there’s no confirmation this guy was “roughed up”.
What we do know is the protester’s record, and it isn’t a pretty one.
He’s a public malcontent.
I’ve dealt with his type before. I and a few others had to take one down at a local political event and remove his ass from the premises.
Later we found out he was a habitual attacker at these events. He later tried to suit the host of the political even to no avail.
What a piece of work he was.
We go and protest outside with signs and try to persuade people with facts.
They attack with lies and physical abuse if they can.
I guess that’s why it is such a disgusting sight to see the supporters of some candidates here lie for months at a time after being set straight on topics.
It’s a Lefty tactic. It’s GOPe like. It seems to me like the stuff of James Carville and Lanny Davis.
Like the union thug who ripped the sign from the hands of a toddler. They don’t want debate, they can’t win one on facts, logic, common sense, or fair play, they want to take over someone else’s paid platform and use it for their agenda and to berate the person whose microphone they stole! Talk about delusional! But then again that’s all they’ve known for generations, take what others have paid for.