Kasich your support is nonexistent.
How do these blind, empty headed nitwits get into high office??!
IMHO is showing signs of mental illness. Trump Derangement Syndrome..
Did he do his nose trick while saying this?
Someone said this to me. That they didn’t know _anyone_ who supported Trump and thinks its all fake. I have zero chance of changing her mind and I’m 100% sure of that. Her opposition was solely emotional and based on him being mean to Carly.
I just agreed with her and said I guess we’ll see when primaries start. I think there are a lot of people who love every minute of it and just quietly have their mind made up. They may or may not tell a pollster, but that’s it.
Only $ explains JK’s self imposed destruction.
it would be a good thing if Kasich does not read those comments there.
Suicide would be preferable.
A majority of the Trump supporters at the rallies are really paid Clinton and Sanders’ supporters. They are there to give Conservatives false hopes to think they have a sound candidate, but in reality have nothing. /s
John the mailman would be disappointed in this idiot he raised....
You mean the guy who’s father was a mailman?
Kasich can’t believe he has been out-maneuvered by a non-politician.
Kasich is a synonym for nonsense.
Ya don’t think so, huh? Well keep watching Kasich. It is real and so, so very much larger than your worst nightmare could imagine.
Mr Trump’s support also is not limited to one side of the ‘fence’. Everywhere you go, folks are talking Trump. Some viscerally hate the guy....oh well.....but he has caught most people’s attention, and people are watching and listening much earlier in the game that is usually the case. A lot of us like what we hear and see and read.
Was telling my brother a couple of days ago that if you would have told me, one year ago, that today I would have the enthusiasm I now have for Donald Trump.... Donald Trump??!!?? .... I would have snorted and laughed him to scorn. No more. I am all in. I haven’t been so ‘all in’ for a very long time. It’s Trump’s doing.
Build the damn wall! Honor and care for our vets! Build our military back up to where it should be, big and STRONG! Keep all the INVADERS out!
Go Trump, GO!
Oh, it’s real, John, you sanctimonious, little jerk.
Has Kasich been following the yuge crowds that show up for Trump’s rallys? Or the sky high ratings he gets when he is interviewed or has a debate? These are genuine signs and beyond any “surveys”—Talk about out of touch with the American people!
So Kasich is planning a $3 million ad blitz against Trump n unreal candidate. Is the money Kasich will be spending real to go against an unreal threat?
With all due respect to Gov. Katich, is he one of these career politicians that Trump, I believe, has complained about?