Posted on 11/19/2015 1:59:55 PM PST by Cincinatus' Wife
The Obama administration's ability to defeat Republican legislative proposals to cut off the resettling of additional Syrian refugees hinges on maintaining unity among Democrats, who might be politically tempted after the Paris attacks to side with the GOP's restrictionist rhetoric.
So far, it's not going very well.
Forty-seven House Democrats sided with 242 Republicans to pass the American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act on Thursday. That's a veto-proof majority among the 426 members who voted today. One can see why: It's a clever piece of legislation. Though it doesn't explicitly ban resettling additional Syrian refugees or institute Sen. Ted Cruz's "Christians only" policy, it does make the task of resettling said refugees bureaucratically arduous. The legislation requires the FBI director, the secretary of Homeland Security, and the director of National Intelligence to certify that each Syrian (or Iraqi) refugee doesn't present a security risk. And then the DHS inspector general has to go through all of the approvals, too. The effect would be to slow the acceptance of refugees to a crawl, putting in place the freeze Republicans wanted under the inconspicuous message of "just another layer of vetting." That's enough cover for anxious Democrats to support it-or rather, enough pressure that they can't vote against it.
You could see this coming....
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Don’t worry, barky will just ignore them and have even more terrorist, er, 3 year old orphans come in under the radar.
He will say that the failure of the 0bamacare exchanges is due to the people are too stupid to understand them AND that we did not put enough monetary incentives in for people to sign up. More tax dollars needed.
Nothing is his fault or attributable to the fact that his ideas and policies are not workable.
He loses EVERY argument.
He only survives with support of Rabid Dems, Gutless Republicans and Fawning Media
Two Republicans voted against the bill: Reps. Walter Jones (N.C.) and Steve King (Iowa). Anybody know why?
Remember, the dimocrat party is now the home of the anti-Vietnam crowd, and socialists who have a disdain for the U.S.
Get back to me next week when he folds.
I would guess that Steve King didn’t think it went far enough. Not sure about the other guy ...
If Obama is losing this fight, then so is Hillary.
Poll: By a wide margin, Americans oppose bringing Syrian refugees into the country
“..By a 53-to-28 margin”
House votes to curb Syrian refugees, snubs Obama veto
“..In a stinging rebuke to President Barack Obama by Republicans and Democrats,”
An actual positive result.
Tell that to the Senate Democrats.
Reps. Steve King, R-Iowa, and Walter Jones, R-N.C., said Thursday that they voted against legislation to impose enhanced background checks on all refugees from Syria because the bill didn’t go far enough.
“How can we trust this Obama administration who will not utter the words ‘radical Islamic jihad’ to accurately screen Syrian and Iraqi refugees as required in this bill?” King said in a statement after the House passed the bill. “For that reason, I submitted an amendment to rules, which was ultimately not adopted, that would create international safe zones for refugees in their homeland. I respect the House trying to find a solution but I do not believe this was the right or strong enough one.”
King is considered one of Congress’ biggest hardliners on immigration issues, and recently threw his weight behind Ted Cruz’s campaign for president.
Jones said he also voted “no” because he can’t trust President Obama........
Thanks for your replies - makes sense now.
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