A Chihuahua would stomp Hillary. In in on-the-ground real Americans, the woman has been loathed by Democrats and Republicans alike since at least 2007 (why do you think Obama got the nomination while Republicans were in a panic over the possibility of Hillary, chanting "Anybody But Hillary!" Well, they got their wish. They got Barack Obama) ...
... and just now I see a headline where a poll says only 28% of Americans agree with Obama on Syrian refugees and Hillary elsewhere is quoted as promising Americans that Muslims are "peaceful and tolerant" and have nothing to do with terrorism ...
... Hillary is a fake, a fraud, an illusion. The only people who even remotely like her are those in the MSM -- and since they have control of what America looks like in the mirror, so to speak, they pervert it to look like "everybody" (except us, of course) like Hillary, when the truth is that most legit American voters would dump her like a smelly turd at the ballot box. It's another reason Democrats HAVE TO CHEAT in order to win. Obama was "elected" by fake voters and fraudulent "Americans," and the only way Hillary would win dogcatcher, let alone President, is the same. IF Democrats didn't cheat ... they'd lose. Hillary isn't the threat -- fraudulent and corrupt elections and ballot counts are.
Praising a candidate because if his ability to "stomp Hillary" is like praising a car because it has a steering wheel.
A rabbit for the dogs to chase around the track until the last minute when it breaks down.
NOW who we gonna chase??
(Jimmy Carter knew how evil rabbits can be!)
Beware the rabbit in the back of the pack...
How do you steer this thing? It has no wheel.
- - -
With a tiller; Hon.