Barely started and one in Baton Rouge already walked away and disappeared. Read an article about it earlier, they have no idea where the guy went. and it’s barely started. No idea what state he is in, nothing...and now ay to find out.
I think I heard earlier on TV that just over 30 states have now joined in and are refusing to take them. Glad to say Texas is among them. But the one in Baton Rouge who walked away worries me, it’s only about 6 hours or so to here...he could be in Houston or Austin by now, San Antonio is on the hit list...who knows?
Governor Jindal’s office located him. In Washington, D.C.
Someone met him and picked him up. Wherever he is, he’s in his own element.
Not to worry, he went to DC
Not only states but but territories. Guam and Saipan have refused to take any
Fwiw, Bobby Jindal was on Bret/Fox and said that ONE had been relocated to DC????
Bret did not ask him what he meant.....?????
What does that mean????!!!!!!