Trump has simply not been impressive in any of the debates. It’s his weakest feature but it’s a very important one in the general election. The debates between Romney and Obama completely changed the trajectory of the race twice. Cruz has been solid in the debates and has now shown he can excel in the same way Gingrich did. If Cruz can keep his debate performance near this level then it would be foolish to support Trump over Cruz. We need someone who can win the debates. I am far more confident in Cruz’ ability to eviscerate Hillary and defend himself against his own vulnerabilities effectively than I am of Trump.
In 2016, Cruz’s chances of winning in general are about the same as another great conservative, Barry Goldwater.
The ‘debates’ have already been exposed for their Liberal bias. Romney was never gong to win for Many reasons, yet America loves Donald Trump.
Trump will be very effective against Hillary. Hillary is a carpet bagger trying to get New Yorkers to vote for her over Native Son Donald Trump. New Yorkers will vote for Trump over Hillary Clinton day in and day out.
Gee who won the three debate polls yesterday !!!!
Trump ,Trump, trump
Reality really bites for the Trump bashers !
Your pathetic..
get a new hobby !
That’s the fear I have of Carson. He’s an awesome person, but, not enough fire in the belly to face Hillary in a Debate. If the fire is there he needs to become a fire breather.