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To: DoughtyOne
"Trump is in first place in the polls,"

Yes, that's his chief defense among those who have thrown principle to the wind to support him.

" and has been for months. He champions Conservatism at each of his campaign stops. "


As opposed to a lifelong history of championing conservativism with action. Well, then. Trump, the guy who said he was a Democrat only this past July, SAYS he's a conservative at campaign stops. What else do you need!

" He talks down Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders... "

Keyword; TALK.

He also talks down people like Michelle Malkin---although talk doesn't describe that incident. It was a sleazebag attack.

"Sadly, we have some pathetic malcontents on our side of the isle (at least we assume our side of the isle) who can't grasp that Trump is the best thing that could have happend to Conservatism in 30 years. So here one of them regurgitates onto the forum in typical fasion. Let's review..."

Trump is a self-admitted Democrat. You're deluding yourself with hero worship.

And if refusing to support such a person, while holding to conservative principle makes me a malcontent, bring that label on, baby---I accept it happily.

But pathetic? You better look in the mirror for that.

"Not able to actually come up with anything of substance, this dim bulb makes something up and then blames Trump for it as if it has already taken place."

Says the bleating sheep who just resorted to lying.

"Of course he hasn't done it, and his supporters haven't done it, but none the less they are described as "mindless bots" just the same."

That's right. I see it day in and day out.

You mean you've never seen the feverish keening from some of the most severely unhinged that Donald is the "Trump of God", hallelujah?

"Who would do that sort of thing? Oh that's right, a GOPe mindless bot."

I support the Constitutional conservative. You're shilling for a Democrat. Try again.

"Spewing falsehoods at every stop so far, why stop now..."

Can't talk sense to some of you. You'd deny the sky is blue if Donald said it was green.

"1. Trump is a Democrat He's not a Democrat. He is a registered Republican and is supporting Conservative policy at every campaign stop and in every interview."

He told "Morning Joe" he's a Democrat in many July of this year. Did your cult hero lie?

You sure put a lot of stock in campaign talk. Are you really so gullible?

"2. His disguise is lousy Since he's not a Democrat, he has no disguise and is doing a great job presenting Conservatism to the public"

With those grade school level sentences he uses, and his constant "I-I-I-me-me-me" he isn't teaching anything, unless it's a course in egotism.

It's impossible for a self-admitted Democrat to present conservatism to anyone. He doesn't understand it himself.

"3. It slips at least once a week Since he's not in diguise, this logic is vaporware"

Is that like Tupperware? Does it have lids?

"Mindless bot? For the GOPe? Here on a conservative forum... "

You support a Democrat. I support a conservative. Try again.

"Trump's supporters on this forum are not Democrats. Ronald Reagan attracted Democrats to his views. I don't recall us being upset about that."

So Democrats on this forum saying they strongly support Obamacare and don't care about abortion are fine with you?

Got it.

"This is simply one more dispersion cast at those who wish to see Conservatism prevail in 2016."

You've forgotten what conservatism is, if you ever knew.

"This lofted by a person who can't quite grasp that we haven't been able to nominate a person who is hawking what Trump is for the last 30 years."


Trump's hawking a line of BS and you've fallen for it.

"Yes, lets dump Trump and nominate another McCain or Romney, because Conservatives sure aren't getting our nominations."

No, thanks. All of those guys are liberals, including Trump. I want nothing to do with them. I'll stick with a conservative.

"So yes, let's defeat Conservatism's last chance, by all means possible, even if it's just bald faced lies. GOPe alert!"

The GOPe doesn't support Cruz.

"Conservatism's last chance" really are desperate, aren't you? I mean, seriously.

"They? Trump supporters suport Obamacare? LMAO, simply pathetic!"

It is.

"Once again, another lie seeking to besmirch the reputations of anyone who would support a man hawking Conservatism to the Citizens of the United States."

"Hawking" conservatism means zero. Living it is another matter.

"This pathetic loser hasn't grasped that Sanctuary cities are now being reviewed for punitive measures."

You're really getting angry, aren't you? Yep...desperation-fueled anger.

"They can't grasp that Boehner has agreed to step down."

I think I heard about that, but only a Trumpbot could think his master is the cause of it.

"They can't grasp that the nations media is realing on it's heels for the first time in decades."

Trump! Trump of God!

"They can't grasp that for the first time in 30 years, people are crossing demographic lines to support a man hawking Conservtism."

The Democrat is hawking it, so it must be true! Trump! Trump! Trump!

"Failing to grasp what is going on at any level, this person seeks to destroy a Conservative candidate and his supporters. GOPe alert!"

Cruz supporters are conservatives. Trump supporters are backing a Democrat.

"If they dismissed abortion as no big deal, they disagree with Trump on the matter and are not one of his supporters."

Trump once told Howard Stern that he's prolife "if anyone asks", but otherwise it isn't a big issue with him.

Didn't know that? It's because you didn't bother to vet your candidate. You just boarded the Trump train because it made you feel good.

"Other than these small disagreements with your lies, I really think you accomplished what you set out to..."

Well, I'll wait for you to prove the lies, but I imagine I'll be waiting a long time.

There are those on this forum who are so in love with Trump that nothing could penetrate their fog of devotion, but there are plenty of lurkers here at FR. This thread has become a classic showcase of the hysterical meltdowns that occur among Trump supporters when he lets his liberalism show...yet again.

So, yeah. I'm fine with that.

"...destroying someone's credibility about as soundly as anyone could. Too bad it was yours.

CatherineofAragon, do you honestly think you revealed good character by posting this drivel?"

I despise liberalism and will speak out against it. You support a liberal. What were you saying about character...?

"Pathetic. "

You are. But realization is the first step toward change.

177 posted on 10/17/2015 2:16:01 PM PDT by CatherineofAragon ("A real conservative will bear the scars...will have been in the trenches fighting."--- Ted Cruz)
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To: CatherineofAragon
When reponding to a post where you've been called for posting nothing but lies, it might be a good idea to prove the person wrong before moving on...

Conceeding on so many points..., not a good idea.
Lets get some things straight before moving on here.

Next year it will have been 32 years since a Conservative won a presidential election.  Democrats, Independents, and moderate (read that Leftist) Republicans vote down Conservatives in the primary season.  For that reason, a run of the mill Conservative can't win.  We don't need more decades to confrim that.

We are faced with the last four disasters, Clilnton, Bush, McCain and Romney.  We have to make sure this doesn't happen again.  This nation can not afford a calamity at this point like Clinton, Sanders, or Biden.  It can't survive Leftist Republicans either.

Most people have fallen in behind Trump, even if begrudgingly, because he has proven to be charaismatic enough to melt away all the opposition.  
That is, all the oppostion except a few stragler Conservatives that are convinced that the best way to get a Conservative nominated is to do the same thing that has been tried for 32 years without success.  Trump has also adopted Conservatism and is pushing that as his platform.

If Cruz fails, what is your fall back position?  I'd imagine it's not to vote, because you are doing your damnedest to destroy Trump by any means possible.  Moderate length posts with not a word of truth in them are not beneath you.

When called on it, you respond with snide comments, insults, manipulation, and avoidance.

This is what Conservatism means to you.  Crash and burn, take the opposition out by any means possible.  Who cares if that person could be the very thing this nation needs right now.

Does Cruz have the chief executive experience that Trump does?  Has he handled hundreds of million dollar deals?  Has he traveled in the world of extreme finance?  No.

What is the one of the top two problems facing this nation?  The national debt.  What experience does Cruz have running a multi-billion dollar corporation?  What deals has he had to oversee and agree to.  How many employees has he employed?  How many familyes were dependent on who he knew and what timely decsions he made, the decisive actions he was able to ramrod through?  What sort of a payroll did he have to meet?  What experience has he had with dealing with government regulations?  What experience has he had on the business end of dealing with the EPA?

While I respect a good many things about Cruz, he is not the be all end all candidate.

Someone trying to destroy Trump's chances, is not a Conservative by any stretch of the imagination.  They are working to narrow the options this nation has in it's move toward righting the ship of state.  If Trump is driven out, and a moderate Republican is sworn in January of 2017, our nation will be severely harmed.  The elimination of Trump will do harm to this nation.

Trump is in first place in the polls,...

Yes, that's his chief defense among those who have thrown principle to the wind to support him.

No, his cheif defenses are his chief executive experience, his Conservative platform, his ability to destroy the media narrative.  It is also his ability to withstand the arrows of the GOPe, the Democrats, the MSM, the Pundits, the Blogosphere, and pinhead Conservatives who think they've got the Conservative principles down, so no need for reason beyond that.  This is much more complex that you realize, and yet here you are carrying the GOPe water.  All those groups I just listed, those are your fellow travelers.  You think this is down to pinheads on this forum like me and a lot of others against you.  No, it's down to you and your inability to grasp that if Trump where what you claim he is, all those entities would be siding with him.  They aren't.  They prove you wrong on so many levels.  Zoom... right over your head.

...and has been for months. He champions Conservatism at each of his campaign stops.


As opposed to a lifelong history of championing conservativism with action. Well, then. Trump, the guy who said he was a Democrat only this past July, SAYS he's a conservative at campaign stops. What else do you need!

Trump is a registered Republican hawking Conservatism at every campaign stop and in every interview.  The leading Leftists of our day are doing everything in their power to destroy Trump.  Your reaction.  Why you think he's one of them.  Those Leftists are deathly afraid of Trump.  Why?  Explain that to yourself.

He talks down Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders...

Keyword; TALK.

He also talks down people like Michelle Malkin---although talk doesn't describe that incident. It was a sleazebag attack.

"Keyword: Talk"

If Trump were praising Hillary and Bernie right now, you'd be saying it was proof positive he was a Leftist.  Now that he's explaining to the public why they are wrong, it means nothing.

You are an ignorant person.  You are playing inside baseball when there is a whole other world out there.  The public deosn't tune in to the things you do.  They are going to his campaign events, listening to his interviews, and watching his debate performances.  They love what they are seeing.  The like hearing about government needing to be smaller, the debt needing to be addressed, Obamacare needing to return to the private sector, doing away with the Department of Education, clamping down on if not just doing way with the EPA, building up the military, getting vets the health care they deserve, getting our borders under control...

These are issues that are Conservatism centric, and yet you can't enjoy the fact this is being done loudly for the first time since Ronald Reagan did it.  And you call yourself a Conservative?  LOL

A whole new generation is being woken up to find Reaganisms aplenty.  And in reaction, you're seething.

I like Michelle a lot.  She probably on my top tier of people whose views I apprecate every time I read them.  I don't defend Trump for taking her on.  During my life, not all my frinds got along.  I grew up and realized I would capitalize on the best of each of them.  Trump does not destroy my respect for Michelle, and Michelle does not destroy my appreciation for Trump.

I'm not a petty eight year old.

Sadly, we have some pathetic malcontents on our side of the isle (at least we assume our side of the isle) who can't grasp that Trump is the best thing that could have happend to Conservatism in 30 years. So here one of them regurgitates onto the forum in typical fasion. Let's review...

Trump is a self-admitted Democrat. You're deluding yourself with hero worship.  

If it makes you feel good to tell yourself that, go ahead.  Be an ignorant fool.  I don't care if Trump says he's a blind piano player from Harlem.  He's hawking Conservatism and that's what matters.  He's registered as a Republican and is hawking the same principles Reagan did.

And if refusing to support such a person, while holding to conservative principle makes me a malcontent, bring that label on, baby---I accept it happily.

The problem is, that's not the person you are refusing to support.  Sadly, you are refusing to support a man that has the GOPe, Democrats, MSM, Pundits, Blogosphere scared to death.  It is comical the lengths you go to trash others for being unrealistic, while you participate in a version that is infinitely more complex.

I think Trump is a Conservative.  The GOPe agrees with me.  The Democrats agree with me.  Televisions moderatores agree with me.  Talking heads agree with me.  Pundits agree with me.  The writers in all our nation's papers almost all agree with me.  The blogosphere on the internet agrees with me.

The only group that doesn't agree with me is a group of people who mean well, but can't grasp that Trump is on their side.  They accept and magnify every negative thing about him even making more up to trash him, then ignore and deminish every positive thing about him to trash him.

It's you and your unhappy band of malcontents against the world.

But pathetic? You better look in the mirror for that.

Every group but the immediate one you are involved with here thinks Trump is a Conservative. I'll leave it to others to decide who is pathetic.

Not able to actually come up with anything of substance, this dim bulb makes something up and then blames Trump for it as if it has already taken place.

Says the bleating sheep who just resorted to lying.

Folks can visit the post you are resonding to here to make up their own minds about who is lying.

I'm opting for the black goat, but others should read and decide for themselves.

Of course he hasn't done it, and his supporters haven't done it, but none the less they are described as "mindless bots" just the same.

That's right. I see it day in and day out.

You mean you've never seen the feverish keening from some of the most severely unhinged that Donald is the "Trump of God", hallelujah?

These remarks are particularly unhinged.

Who would do that sort of thing? Oh that's right, a GOPe mindless bot.

I support the Constitutional conservative. You're shilling for a Democrat. Try again.

Once again.  The GOPe, the Democrats, the MSM, the Nations editorial writers, the Pundits, the Blogosphere. and many folks here all think that Trump is a Conservative.

Please name two groups that agree with you.

Spewing falsehoods at every stop so far, why stop now...

Can't talk sense to some of you. You'd deny the sky is blue if Donald said it was green.

Please come up with one example of Turmp's supporters agreeing with something he is claiming right now that is false.

1. Trump is a Democrat

He's not a Democrat. He is a registered Republican and is supporting Conservative policy at every campaign stop and in every interview.

He told "Morning Joe" he's a Democrat in many July of this year. Did your cult hero lie?

Number one he is not a cult hero.  Saying he is pretty much assures us you're a member of one.

As for what he told Morning Joe, I haven't seen the video to know the context.  What I do know is that he is hawking Conservative policy, even going so far as to correct his stances if they were out of sync.

His platform doesn't in any way shape or form conform to the Democrat agenda.  And once again, I will remind you of all the groups who think Trump is Conservative, and the one small one that doesn't..

You sure put a lot of stock in campaign talk. Are you really so gullible?

Well, I'm not gullible enough to think he's a Leftist when every Leftist group out there is trying to destroy him politically, and even criminally if possible.

2. His disguise is lousy

Since he's not a Democrat, he has no disguise and is doing a great job presenting Conservatism to the public

With those grade school level sentences he uses, and his constant "I-I-I-me-me-me" he isn't teaching anything, unless it's a course in egotism.

It's impossible for a self-admitted Democrat to present conservatism to anyone. He doesn't understand it himself.

He is appealing to the public and getting the message across to Republicans, Democrats, Blacks, Hispanics, and larger than normal percetages of women.  They sure don't seem to share your disregard for him.

And yet Leftists got the message.  The MSM has gotten it.  The nation's punidts have gotten it.  The nation's blogosphere as gotten it.  Most Conservatives have gotten it.  The public has gotten it.  The only ones who haven't gotten it are the ones claiming he's the best friend the GOPe, the Democrats, the MSM, the nation's pundits, and the Blogosphere ever had.

3. It slips at least once a week

Since he's not in diguise, this logic is vaporware

Is that like Tupperware? Does it have lids?

So we agree...

Mindless bot? For the GOPe? Here on a conservative forum... 

You support a Democrat. I support a conservative. Try again.

No, you support the only tried and true road to nominating another Leftist Republican to go up against Hillary, Sanders, or Biden.

Trump is a registered Republican and hawking Conservatism to the nation.

Trump's supporters on this forum are not Democrats. Ronald Reagan attracted Democrats to his views. I don't recall us being upset about that.

So Democrats on this forum saying they strongly support Obamacare and don't care about abortion are fine with you?

Got it.

Talking up abortion on this site will earn you and exit quickly.  As for talking up Obamacare, that would generally present real problems for someone also.

Trump suppoters don't support Obamacare or Abortion.  Your attempt to smear him with these comments is rather pathetic.

It actually reflects more on your character than his.

Trying to flip this by implication to me supporting Obamacare or abortion, reveals who I've pegged you as being all along.  No surprise there..

This is simply one more dispersion cast at those who wish to see Conservatism prevail in 2016.

You've forgotten what conservatism is, if you ever knew.

Well, you've been spouting lies and untruths all along, why stop now?

This lofted by a person who can't quite grasp that we haven't been able to nominate a person who is hawking what Trump is for the last 30 years.


Trump's hawking a line of BS and you've fallen for it.

Reagan in his day lofted and talked about the same things Trump is today.  It wasn't B. S. back then, and it's not B. S. today.

Yes, lets dump Trump and nominate another McCain or Romney, because Conservatives sure aren't getting our nominations.

No, thanks. All of those guys are liberals, including Trump. I want nothing to do with them. I'll stick with a conservative.

But you can't get that Conservative nominated.  So what you are doing is trying to get the only guy that can and hawks our beliefs, to be destroyed.

That isn't Conservatism.  That's undermining Conservatism.

So yes, let's defeat Conservatism's last chance, by all means possible, even if it's just bald faced lies. GOPe alert!

The GOPe doesn't support Cruz.

The GOPe will support anyone as long as it isn't Trump.  They know that to a man every other person even close to Conservative wll be filtered out by Democrats, Independents, and moderate Republicans in the Primary process.

Conservatism's last chance" really are desperate, aren't you? I mean, seriously.

If Trump does not get the nomination, it will be a die hard Leftist like Bush, Rubio, Fiorina, Cristy..., or Hillary, Sanders, or Biden.

Cruz will not survive the primary process to obtain the nomination.

32 years of history makes that very clear.

You are making the GOPe argument for them.

They? Trump supporters suport Obamacare? LMAO, simply pathetic!

It is.

Well, it would be if it were true, but there isn't a Trump supporter on this forum that also supports Obamacare and abortion.

Once again, another lie seeking to besmirch the reputations of anyone who would support a man hawking Conservatism to the Citizens of the United States.

"Hawking" conservatism means zero. Living it is another matter.

Then why are you behaving in his manner?  What you are doing is not evidence of a Conservative mind.

It's evidence of someone using subterfuge to destroy.

This pathetic loser hasn't grasped that Sanctuary cities are now being reviewed for punitive measures.

You're really getting angry, aren't you? Yep...desperation-fueled anger.

Insult rather than refute.  Nice try.  The fact stands as stated.

They can't grasp that Boehner has agreed to step down.

I think I heard about that, but only a Trumpbot could think his master is the cause of it.

Trump talking about the lack of leadership had no impact on it?  LOL

They can't grasp that the nations media is realing on it's heels for the first time in decades.

Trump! Trump of God!

I'm not sure why you felt the need to use God as a wedge here, but it was unseemly to do to make your point.  Is the comment accurate or not?  It is and you can't refute it.

They can't grasp that for the first time in 30 years, people are crossing demographic lines to support a man hawking Conservtism.

The Democrat is hawking it, so it must be true! Trump! Trump! Trump!

Democrats support small government, getting the federal budget under control, closing our borders, deporting illegal immigrants, ending sacntuary cities, building up our military, eliminating the Department of Educaiont and other sound Conservative principles?

And yet they are supporting Trump who does.  You consider yourself a Conservative and hadn't noticed.

Failing to grasp what is going on at any level, this person seeks to destroy a Conservative candidate and his supporters. GOPe alert!

Cruz supporters are conservatives. Trump supporters are backing a Democrat.

Yes, you keep saying that.  Please name three things in Trump's platform that are Leftist in nature.

Name one policy you disagree with.

If they dismissed abortion as no big deal, they disagree with Trump on the matter and are not one of his supporters.

Trump once told Howard Stern that he's prolife "if anyone asks", but otherwise it isn't a big issue with him.

Didn't know that? It's because you didn't bother to vet your candidate. You just boarded the Trump train because it made you feel good.

You are a low-life.  It is on the record that Trump didn't approve of partial birth abortion back in 2000.  Over the years he firmed up his belief that abortion was wrong.  He explaiuned the 2010.  He has been pro-life since, and said that openly to a woman who as trying to use it as a wedge issue just a few days ago at an open mike event as part of an appearance.

You are bearing false witness aginst Trump.  Lying, making stuff up, telling half truths, smearing someone's character...  you're some Conservative alright.

Other than these small disagreements with your lies, I really think you accomplished what you set out to...

Well, I'll wait for you to prove the lies, but I imagine I'll be waiting a long time.

I did in the last post, so wait as long as you want.  Others have moved on.

There are those on this forum who are so in love with Trump that nothing could penetrate their fog of devotion, but there are plenty of lurkers here at FR. This thread has become a classic showcase of the hysterical meltdowns that occur among Trump supporters when he lets his liberalism show...yet again.

What lurkers would find on this thread, is a person claiming to be a Conservative who is trying to destroy what probably is our only chance to get a Conservative elected in 2016.

They will see the outright lies and mischaraterizations that person was willing to use in their efforts.

They will see a person doing their best to smear a man who is doing a good job for us and the nation right now.

They will see a person who says they want to see Cruz nominated, but is going about it in a way that hasn't worked in 32 years.

They will see a liar and a person who may very well be a GOPe plant.

They will see a person who disagrees with almost every entity in the United States, to claim Trump is a Leftist.

So, yeah. I'm fine with that.

I'm sure you are.

...destroying someone's credibility about as soundly as anyone could. Too bad it was yours.

CatherineofAragon, do you honestly think you revealed good character by posting this drivel?

I despise liberalism and will speak out against it.

Actually, you are at this time representing it on this forum.  Every Leftist group in the nation is behind you on this.  Despite your claim to be a Conservative, this doesn't bother you.

You support a liberal.

No, and I don't front for Liberal groups on a Conservative forum.  You do.

What were you saying about character...?

About the same thing I am now.  Your agenda is showing.


You are.

Pee Wee Herman, is that you?

But realization is the first step toward change.

Oh you're not going to change.  You'll triple down.  You actually think you're scoring points.

181 posted on 10/17/2015 7:16:34 PM PDT by DoughtyOne (It's beginning to look like "Morning in America" again. Comment on YouTube under Trump Free Ride.)
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