Everything was getting back to business as usual and going great, for these GOPeeers....they slapped the n00b Reps back into submission....until......Trump came on the scene. >> —————
You are onto the timing, exactly! Trump has started a revolution that is playing out where it needs to play out— at the feet of John Boehner and his crony, cloney replacements.
The numbers speak to the fact that we may not get a conservative Speaker, but this little House revolution demands a seat at the table, before anyone gets elected to the Speakership. THAT is the new threshold for electing a Speaker and the starting point going forward.
“Trump has started a revolution”
Sorry Rita, not gonna let you get away with that one.
This “revolution” has been being fought for a lot longer than 6-8 months.
If you want go back to Reagan.
If not that far then the birth of the TEA party, and Sarah Palin.
I may give Trump credit for hoisting OUR banner (still not sure he’s even doing that) higher than anyone else this presidential election season, but starting this? Really?
It seems odd that so many Trump supporters find it incredibly easy to dismiss, and belittle the real, gargantuan struggle we long time Conservatives have put up since he showed up on the scene.
There are some of us who have been working our butts off for this revolution back to when Trump was still supporting Hillary, and Obama.
That Freedom Caucus that is forcing Boehner out, and kept McCarthy out was sent to DC before Trump opened his mouth, and uttered his first word in support of anything we believe.
Oh and by the way guess which one of the Presidential Candidates has worked, and is working behind the scenes to help make this happen? None other than Sen. Ted Cruz.
All Trump has done so far, is comment on the events after they happen.