You don't say!
Something that makes up such a small fraction of the earth's atmosphere has less impact than previously thought?
Say it ain't so, Joe.
Were these UN guys doing second jobs over at VW diesel division?
But, keep in mind that the climate whackos will DISALLOW any debate that does not conform to the outcomes— nor will they apparently accept Mathematical reality of misapplication of the physical data in the algorithms. Mathematic errors are to be ACCEPTED... “fudge” factors to justify the agenda.
Like the hearing with Sierra Club— they just don’t accept actual science objective data... nor will they accept mathematical analysis that discloses the absolute flaws in the CO2 weighting or even importance in global warming.
Translated: Ronald Reagan had it right— CO2 is something that plants LOVE and they create MORE oxygen in response, taking up the CO2 and.... therefore nullifying C02 as a “greenhouse” gas. Water vapor has more to do with this— and they will continue to ignore that as WE COOL down to a new ice age, from the SUN’s cycle.
Well, there goes his funding. And maybe worse.
And he was never heard from again...
Those scientists must have pretty healthy retirement programs. lol
My prediction is that the new discoveries will have little effect. The Climate Change religion has taken hold. The tenets of that religion are not to be questioned.
“So, the new improved climate model shows CO2 is not the culprit in recent global warming. But what is?
Dr Evans has a theory: solar activity.”
Well, you mean the sun? All us anti-science knuckle-draggers were right all along?
“To a leftist, a fact is the most irrelevant quantity of all.”
Translation: The IPCC hucksters, liars, & con artists won’t believe any of it. It doesn’t fit their pre-determined outcome.
For the ‘common sense on climate change deniers’ this will not even be registered into their thinking simply because it their minds this is settle science.
You can lead a dim dem to water but you can’t make him think.
Just more proof liberalism is the nations leading mental disease with no cure other than a frontal lobotomy.
Imagine that! Real Scientific data!
He has no idea how his life is about to change. He will be vilified by the eco-fascists and his life will be threatened. Others will call for him to be imprisoned and his whole life history will be examined in order to find anything that can be used to destroy his credibility. If he's lucky, the press will just ignore him.
CO2 .032% ?
Which model? There are over 20 and none of them predicted "the pause."
I suspect this will be ignored and, or disparaged to the point that nothing becomes of it.
As we all suspected, without any "study".
He’s right of course.
And he’s booted from the weekly cocktail party list of the
Hope he has a food taster.
“It turns out the UNs Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has over-estimated future global warming by as much as 10 times...”
WHAT??? THEY have been WRONG???
Well that really burns my biscuits and completely ghasts my flabbers....
See how long THIS story will be able to be found...