Yeah, most of us are of an age when we were left on our own for hours of “unsupervised” fun. We played on asphalt in the school yard and if we fell maybe the school nurse would hand out a band aid. Mostly the nuns would blame us for our own injuries due to the proverbial “carelessness.” Every boy I liked had a chipped front tooth. When was the last time you saw a kid with a chipped front tooth?
Chipped teeth, yeah plenty of those back then. Had our share of knocked out teeth as well, along with the occassional nosebleed from dodge ball. Nobody, and I really mean nobody, ran to the teachers to complain. Skinned knees too numerous to count. Those got hydrogen peroxide and iodine paint.
Hardy little savages we were.
Today we would be called “free-range kids,” and our parents’ values and parenting skills would be questioned :(